Selasa, 12 Januari 2016

Contoh Soal dan jawaban BAHASA INGGRIS


KOMPETENSI KEAHLIAN  :1. TeknikKendaraanRingan(Akreditasi B)
2. AdministrasiPerkantoran (Akreditasi B) 3. Akuntansi(AkreditasiA)
ALAMAT  :  Jl. K H. Ahmad Dahlan 26 ((0351)747300  Ngawi 63217

TAHUN PELAJARAN ...............................

Hari/Tanggal               :  ...............................                         Kelas   :  ...............................
Mata Pelajaran            :  Bahasa Inggris                                 Waktu :  120 menit
Nama Siswa
Nomor Peserta
Tanda Tangan
Catatan Hasil Penilaian
Orang Tua

A.       Read the text and answer the questions.
Busy people don’t want their vacations to be a hassle. That’s why all inclusive resorts are becoming popular. At these resorts one price includes all meals, drinks, lodging and sightseeing. Golf, tennis, and swimming are available for free. Other sports, such as scuba diving, deep sea fishing and rock climbing, may require separate fees for a equipment rental but instruction and excursions are included. Many resorts also include children’s activities as part of the package. Check with a travel  agent to find an all inclusive resort with activities you woulld enjoy.
Questions :
1.      Who  don’t want their vacations to be hassle?         4. What are available for free?
2.      Why is all inclusive resort becoming popular?         5. What also include in many resorts?
3.      What does one price include?
B.     Translate
1.      Busy people     3. Popular        5. For free        7.  Instrution                9.  Deep sea fishing                                    
2.      Vacation          4. Meals           6.  Rental         8.  Diving                     10.a travel agent
C.     Do based on the example.
 Example :       Didi – drive – a new car
                        Answer : Didi is driving a new car.
1.    You – study – English                                      6.  Nana – cook – a rice
2.    We – read – a magazine                                               7.  Sheila – write – a letter
3.    Mr.Brown – walk – slowly                               8.  I – do – my homework
4.    He – take – a history book                               9.  My parent – attend – the meeting
5.    They – clean – a dirty room                             10.The student – cry – loudly
Answer :
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

A.     1. Busy people
2. because busy people don’t want their vacation to be a hassle
3. all meals, drink, lodging and sightseeing
4. golf tennis and swimming
5. children’s activities as part of package

B.     1. Orang sibuk
2. liburan
3. terkenal
4. makanan
5. gratis
6. persewaan
7. perintah
8. menyelam
9. memancing di laut dalam
10.agen perjalanan

C.     1. You are studying English.
2. We are reading a magazine.
3. Mr.brown  are walking slowly.
4. He is taking  a history book.
5. They are cleaning a dirty room.
6. Nana is cooking a rice.
7. Sheila is writing a letter.
8. I am doing my homework.
9. M parent attending the meeting.
10.The student is crying loudly.


A.Tiap soal score 8. Jadi betul semua nilai 40
B. Tiap soal score 3. Jadi betul semua nilai 30
C. Tiap soal score 3. Jadi betul semua nilai 30

Jadi A+B+C= 40+30+30= 100

KOMPETENSI KEAHLIAN  :1. TeknikKendaraanRingan(Akreditasi B)
2. AdministrasiPerkantoran (Akreditasi B) 3. Akuntansi(AkreditasiA)
ALAMAT  :  Jl. K H. Ahmad Dahlan 26 ((0351)747300  Ngawi 63217

TAHUN PELAJARAN ...............................

Hari/Tanggal               :  ...............................                         Kelas   : ...............................
Mata Pelajaran            :  BahasaInggris                                  Waktu :  120 menit
Nama Siswa
Nomor Peserta
Tanda Tangan
Catatan Hasil Penilaian
Orang Tua

A.  Read the text carefully and answer the questions.
            Advertisements in a public notice offfering or asking for goods, or services for example: commercial advertisement in TV. It has specific purposes to give information about the product or service,to attact and moreofer to persuade audiences to buy or reserve the service offered.
            In different way, there are also diferent kinds of advertisements like job ad usually the company advertises it to recruit  new employees with specific equipment should be fullfilled.
            There are a lot of things to be considered in designing good adverisements, e.g. sound, colour, format, diction of words and also media to advertise. A good advertisement will give a certain brand image to the product advertised, and will also increased the sales.
1.       How do you define advertisement?
2.      In what media can you find them?
3.      What is the main purpose of advertising the product in such media?
4.      What is the job? For what purpose is it advertised?
5.      Why should ads designer consider a lot of things in designing ads?
B.   Translate
1.      Advertisement                                       6. Job ad
2.      Offering                                                            7. To recruit
3.      Specific purposes                                  8. Specific equipment
4.      To persuade audience                           9. In designing advertisement
5.      The service offered                               10.a certain brand image
C.  Do based on the example
Example :   She – create – a good song
ð  She is creating a good song.
ð  She created a good song.
ð  She will create a good song.
1.      The man – ask – a difficult question.  6. We – play – a football.
2.      You – do – the exercise well.              7. I – make – a delicious cake.
3.      He – drive – a new car.                                    8. The birds – fly – in the sky.
4.      They – forget – the problem.               9. The girl – read – her articles.
5.      A cat – eat – a fish.                              10. All the passenger – sit – calmly.
Answer :
................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................

A.     1. Advertisements in a public notice offering or asking for goods or services.
2. For example : commercial advertisement in TV.
3. to give information about the product or service to attract and moreover to persuade.
4. like job ad usually the company advertises it to recruit new employees with specific equipment should be fulfilled.
5. become a good sdvertisement will give a certain brand image to the product advertised and will also increased the sales.

B.     1. Iklan                                                            6. Iklan pekerjaan
2. tawaran                                            7. Mencari pegawai
3. tujuan khusus                                              8. Peralatan khusus
4. mempengaruhi penonton                 9. Iklan mode
5. tawaran jasa                                     10. Merk tertentu yang disukai

C.     1. The man is asking a different question.
     The man asked a difficult question.
     The man will ask a difficult question.
2. you are doing the exercise well.
    You did the exrcise well.
     You will do tge exercise well.
3.  He is driving a new car.
      He drove a new car.
      He will drive a new car.
4.  They are forgetting  the problem.
      They forgot the problem,
      They will forget the problem.
5    A cat is eating a fish.
      A cat ate a fish.
      A cat will eat a fish.
6    We are playing a football.
      We  played a football.
      We will play a football.
7   I am making a delicious cake.
     I made a delicious cake.
     I will make a delicious cake.
8   The birds are flying in the sky.
     The birds flied in the sky.
     The birds will fly in the sky.
9.   The girl is reading her articles.
      The girl read her srticles.
      The girl will read her articles.
10.All the passagers are sitting calmly.
      All the passengers sat calmly.
      All the passengers will sit calmly.


A.     Tiap soal score 4. Jadi betul semua nilai 20.
B.     Tiap soal score 3. Jadi betul semua nilai 30.
C.     Tiap soal score 5. Jadi betul semua nilai 50.

Jadi A+B+C= 20+ 30+50 +=. 100.

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum mohon maaf sebelum'nya kepada admin sedikit saya ingin lewat berbagi cerita bagi lewat postingan ini tentang KISAH SUKSES saya jadi anggota PNS, alhamdulillah berkat bantuan bpk JOKO SUBAKTI

    KEPALA BIRO UMUM BKN PUSAT JKT, sekarang saya dan kaka saya sudah jadi PNS berkat bantuan beliau, nomor hp bpk JOKO SUBAKTI 0823-5240-6469


    Kakak dan Saya 3 Kali Gagal di Seleksi CPNS Membuatku dan Dirinya saling memotivasi dan Akhirnya di tahun 2014 Berhasil

    Sampai sekarang PNS adalah profesi yang sangat diidam-idamkan oleh kebanyakan orang di Indonesia. Terbukti, setiap kali pemerintah membuka pendaftaran CPNS, peserta yang mendaftar selalu membludag.

    Menjadi PNS memang nikmat sekali rasanya. Wajar jika ribuan orang rela berdesak-desakan demi mendapatkan kursi PNS.

    Saya Akan Berbagi Cerita Nyata Dengan teman-teman Semua,.

    Mohon maaf mengganggu waktunya saya cuma bisa menyampaikan melalui KOMENTAR singkat dan semoga bermanfaat..... saya dan Kakak seorang honorer yang baru saja lulus jadi PNS tahun 2014 yang lalu, dan Saya ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda, Bahwa dulunya kami ini cuma seorang Honorer di Salah satu Instansi Pemda di provensi JAWA TIMUR tepatnya KOTA MADIUM dan Kakak Saya di Instansi Pemerintahan di Kantor BUPATI, Saya Sudah 8 tahun dan Kakak Saya 10 tahun jadi tenaga honorer belum diangkat jadi PNS, Bahkan saya sudah 3 kali mengikuti ujian, namun hasilnya nol, sayapun sempat putus asah, kemudian teman saya memberikan no tlp Bpk JOKO SUBAKTI hp: 0823-5240-6469 beliau selaku (kepala biro umum) di BKN pusat Jl. Letjen Sutoyo No. 12 Jakarta Timur 13640 dan saya pun coba menghubungi beliau dan beliau menyuruh saya mengirim berkas saya melalui email, dua minggu kemudian saya sudah ada panggilan untuk ujian, alhamdulillah berkat bantuan beliau saya pun bisa lulus dan SK saya akhirnya bisa keluar, dan saya sangat berterimah kasih kepada beliau yang sudah mau membantu saya. itu adalah kisah nyata dari saya, jika anda ingin seperti saya anda bisa hubungi Bpk JOKO SUBAKTI no hp Beliau 0823-5240-6469, siapa tau beliau masih mau membantu anda untuk mewujudkan impian anda menjadi sebuah kenyataan.
